Corner Post
Quarterly Newsletter of the Saskatchewan
Land Surveyors

Councillor Corner – Summer 2021


Dan Cook

SLS, P. Surv., MLS

SLSA Councillor 2019-2021


The days are now long, the sun has some serious power and it looks like social gatherings are acceptable once again.  Yes, things are certainly coming into line for the summer season.  For my family there is plenty to catch up on, the most important of which is getting kids caught up on lost time with Grandparents, summer activities, play dates with friends and perhaps even a small summer holiday.  Here we are going into July and I wonder how we ever fit all this into a summer schedule?  This must be one of those “good problems”, though I wonder if there are others out there that found some enjoyment in the slower paced, open evening and weekend, not much on the calendar period as well.


Two terms on council have now come to a close for myself.  Reflecting back over the two years I will say that the experience resulted in some unexpected outcomes for myself.  Coming onto council I was simply proud to serve the association and fill the role.  The reality is that the job actually did more for me that I did for it.  Being fully exposed to association and committee business and actually discussing some of the most important and controversial issues from a councilor point of view of “how must we guild the association to best serve the general public” struck a chord with me and I will admit I have come away with my own bucket list of challenges that I would like to see through to the end.  The committees are where the hard work is completed and now with more focused goals in mind I will volunteer there as there is much work yet to be done.


Thank you for the opportunity


Dan Cook