Corner Post
Quarterly Newsletter of the Saskatchewan
Land Surveyors

Letter from the Editor – Summer 2019


Gene E. H. Seis

SLS, P. Surv.

SLSA CornerPost Editor


Summer is here and after another successful AGM followed by some much need needed rain the foreseeable future is looking bright, if you ignore the Riders 0 and 2 start. Thanks to Carrie for her work on preparing this issue, as well as the regular contributors.


We have some articles related to survey practice, trends to watch for, and some Saskatchewan history along with the regular features so enjoy the reading.


I have resigned as Chairman/Editor so this is my last issue. Thanks to the entire membership for allowing me to serve on this Committee, and taking the time to read the articles. I hope that I was able to find articles that the members found both interesting and insightful.


If there are any articles you would like to see in future issues please let Carrie know so that she can pass the message along to the new Chairman.


Gene Seis